Today, we are drawing our lessons from the Lord’s encounter with a disappointing fig tree. Mk.11:11-14,20-24
The Fig Tree is known to have the capacity to retain ripe fruits until the next fruiting season. This ability defined the reason for one to expect fruits from a fig tree when it wasn’t its fruiting season. The appearance of the said tree sold an impression that there were fruits on it. Then, the Lord took advantage of the circumstance to reaffirm a mystery of the kingdom: Faith for command and for Request. The Lord released an audible command and after some time, there was a glaring delivery or manifestation (Mk.11:14,20-22; cp. Lk.17:5,6)
The power/ability of faith is so tremendous that a little variety has the capacity to uproot, transport and transplant a tree in the sea (Lk.17:5,6). And every just person is required to live by faith (Habk.2:4; Heb.10:38).
Among the factors that potentiate faith are Prayer, Fasting and Meditating on the Word of God (Ps. 1:1-3; Matt.17:19-21). And capacity is developed through practice and association (Heb.6:12-15).
The tongue possesses a creative and destructive force and the ability to harness this force goes a long way to affect the quality of life enjoyed (cons.Pro.18:21). The Lord Jesus mastered the use of the tongue during His earthly ministry (cons.Jn.11:11).
We shall deploy the power of our tongues, as kings (Eccl.8:4) to deal with all sources of disappointment, disturbance and danger. We shall rise to speak to situations and circumstances in our lives, and around us. We shall determine what should hold in various areas of life.
The Lord spoke to the fig tree in faith, and there was a delivery within 24 hours. He commanded His disciples to have God’s kind of faith, speak or seek in faith, and enjoy faith-delivery (Mk.11:22-24)
Prayer Point: –
1. Ps.103:1-5 – Let’s thank God for the season that He has brought us into. Bless God for the GS and his fatherly care.
*Ps.21:1-13 – Let’s wield this scripture unto operation in the GS’ life
2. Jer.22:13a; Ps.86:1,14-17 – Let the righteous God deal decisively with all those that destroy people’s mean of livelihood to establish theirs, as God’s righteous principle is ‘live and let live’
3. Ezek.37:7-10 – Let’s command their activities to be thwarted and all their gains lost, by the working of the power of our infinite God.
4. Isa,37:26-29,33-36 – Let the Lord frustrate all the oppressive militants and their sponsors as He did to the army of Sennacherib (Boko-Haram, and Fulani Herdsmen). Let the wind of the Lord drive them back to their sources of origin.
5. Mk.11:23,24 – Let us curse all agents of disappointment in our lives, and those of the brethren to wither. Start with your personal life, then your family etc. Then proceed to enemies of the church. Let’s decree peace to our states
6. Let’s thank the Lord for His positive response