7.00PM Sundays, is another time of God’s Alive Missionaries Meeting

Whenever, Wherever, and on whatsoever the Great King of Heaven and Earth speaks His infallible word, His power is available to perform the dictates of His Word. But His power in His word when great company publishes that word in faith to all stakeholders for execution.  

Today again at 7pm comes another meeting for God’s Word Activation & Release (G-WAR).

  Click the link to join the video discussion   👉 https://t.me/wccrmmissions?videochat=dc7ce15eb2eca0fac0   As we give Voice to God’s Word, it will surely come alive, quick and powerful for the delivery of God’s promises without fail.     Join this chariot of Voice Of God Alive Missionaries Now.   Invite like minded others . ACTION 4 ACTION.   Click the link to join the video meeting 👉 https://t.me/wccrmmissions?videochat=dc7ce15eb2eca0fac0   God bless you Richly.
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