Bible Text: Isaiah 62:1-7Series: 21 DAYS FAST AND PRAY 2019 | INTRODUCTION:
The prophet’s zeal for his people and his desire to see the work of salvation completed caused him to pray without resting, hoping that Israel would be saved.
The Watchman has received the mandate of bringing back Jacob to the Lord and being a means of light/salvation to the ends of the world (Isa.49:5-6). Looking at these enormous tasks, we must have Isaiah’s kind of zeal to see God’s will done in our Church and the world today by going all out for evangelism, morning cry, street corner crusade, follow up work etc. This is referred when we pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. It is very profitably to pray persistently for others.
Prayer Points
HSCF 13, 2 – Let us ponder anew what the Almighty has done and is still doing, His grace and providence upon His people. Thank God for all that He has given to us in this life and the privilege to know and serve Him (Ps.65:4-5).
1:4, 6 – Cry unto God (like Jeremiah) for the restoration of the Church of the living God all over the world because of what is happening. The Church of God has apparently lost her beauty; it seems that there is no power to stand against the kingdom of darkness because of sin.
Ask God to revive His Church again and let the fear and word of God grow again to undo the kingdom of Satan.
Joel 2:28-30 – The Lord has promised a great harvest of souls before the rapture and for this to happen there must be a great shaking (revival).
Ask God to cause the outpouring of His Spirit upon the Churches so that the dry bones will rise again.
Let the Watchman brethren be filled with the Spirit of God to enable them fit into this end time project (1Sam.2:9; Zech.4:6).
19:9-10 – Jesus came to save sinners, He paid the price with His own life, so He will want every man on earth to be saved. Let’s pray for the sinners around us beginning with our beloved ones to our neighbours and others. Let the Spirit of God trouble them until they become convinced of their sins and the need to surrender their life to Christ.
7:11-15 – Ask God to resurrect all Spiritual gifts/virtues in you that have died or are about to. The revivalist must first be revived, so cry out like the psalmist (Ps.85:6-8).
35:27 – Pray for your business/your means of livelihood.
Gen.2:21-29; Mal.2:10 – .Pray for health in the marriages in the church, starting with your own family. Pray for love, mutual understanding and accommodation of one another’s shortfalls.
Ps.127:4-5 – Pray for the salvation of Watchman children and a shift of their mindset from carnal to the spiritual things.