The Psalmist tabled points upon which a petitioner could leverage and access the resources of the heavenly realm. They include (i) God’s everlasting dominion (v.13), (ii) God’s consistence in righteousness (v.17); (iii) God’s nearness to His petitioners (v.18), (iv) God’s faithfulness to those that fear him (v.19), (v) God’s preservation of those that love Him (v.20, (vi) God’s capital judgment of the wicked (v.20).
Ps.145:8-20; Isa.37:1-11, 15-23,28-38
These points played out when the Assyrian military might was arrogantly unleashed against, the godly king of Judah, Hezekiah and God’s might was displayed (Isa.37: 37:1-38).
Today, there are situations of life challenging the God of Israel necessitating His proof of His dominion in the nation, church, residence, business arena, etc.
Prayer Points
Let’s thank God for all the good that you can remember that He has done for you and the Movement
- 35:1-6 – Ask the Lord to deal with all those forces fighting against the GS and his family.
- Let all distractions be arrested
- 14: – Let God grant the Gs the mountain that he requested
- Let there be divine explosion in the Watchman (revival)
- Acts 12:1-8, 20-24 – Let the Lord defend His church and decisively deal with all incensed against Him. Let all laws made against the church anywhere be abrogated.
- Gen.9:4 – Let the Lord arrest the activities of the people or group spilling blood in this country
- 29:7 – Let the ritualists & kidnappers become like a dream of night vision
- 6:15-20 – Disorient religious bandits so that they will lose the bearing/purpose
- 6:32 – Expose and extinguish the sustainers or sponsors of the murders – religious, political customers
- 19:1-3 – Let the Lord decimate the bloodletters through rivalry and internal strife until there is none left to continue in the wickedness.
- 2Kgs.4:13a – What would you have the Lord do for you?