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The Necessity of confession in our Christian Race

Having made confessions that confirms your acceptance of our Lord Jesus Christ into our lives as Lord and personal Savior, it is expected that the good news of one’s new life in Christ is extended to others. Confessing Christ is one of the instructions given to every believer (Matt 28:19, Mk. 16:15-19) and it is to be carried out as commanded. (II Tim. 4:1-2).  Let’s consider why confession is necessary as children of God remain in the Christian race and what could be possible hindrances to it.


As true believers we should have the readiness to share the good news as commanded in the bible for the purpose of saving mankind from the power of sin and the devils (LK. 19:10, 4:17-21).


One of the ways of proving our acceptance of the Lord Jesus is by telling others what He did in our own lives. The new life of a genuinely born again youth is a confirmation of God’s ability to save and to deliver (Act. 9:18,20, MK. 1:43-45).


Jesus commanded His disciple and by extension, you and me to go into the world to share the gospel message. This command can only by carried out by those who have ACCEPTED Him into their lives.


As Christ’s Ambassadors, (II Cor. 5:20, 6:1, Eph. 6:20), it is expected that you represent Him on earth. Our confession before our friends, classmates, parents/guardians and family members should lay credence to the fact that we have accepted Him into our lives.


This action will make them see the need to draw closer to Him ( Mk 5:19-20, Jn 4:28-30, 39-42)