December 8, 2019


Passage: Jn. 14:30
Service Type:

Bible Text: Jn. 14:30 | SUNDAY LIGHT (08/12/19, 15/12/19)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement



                                                    CHURCH (Part7)                                                    

Text:                                                Jn. 14:30




The watchman as a corrective ministry; is called to be a model assembly. The members of the movement on their own ought to be examples, living blamelessly and free of ministerial reproach (cons. 2Cor.6:3, Phil.2:14-15, 1Tim.3:7).


Therefore, no member of this movement can afford to be indifferent to the teachings on the series under consideration; bearing in mind that as the unevicted Canaanites subsequently turned out to be thorns in the eyes of the Israelites, so does retained sin (Satan’s property) turn to be disastrous in the life of a complacent believer (cons. Jos. 23:11-13, cp. Judg.3:5-8, 10:6-10).


So far, we have considered the destructive traits of Unteachable Disposition, Stubbornness, Self-will, Craftiness, Covetousness and Critical Mindedness. Last week, we defined Critical mindedness as the disposition or inclination to find fault or criticize.


Today, we shall be looking at JUDGMENTAL SPIRIT.


The message shall be coming under the following subheadings: (A) the Description of Judgmental Spirit (B) the Damnation of Judgmental Spirit (C)  Divine Counsel to the Just




‘Judgmental spirit’ is the attitude characterized by a tendency to judge harshly or condemn. It does not make room for consideration of human frailties, or possibility of human error.


As seen in critical mindedness where the individual is apt to find fault, those with this trait are averse to giving people benefit of doubt in the event of wrongdoing.


The picture painted by people plagued with this disposition are: – As masters, the affected are usually over bearing to their servants and apprentices (Eph. 6:9; Col. 4:1)


The servants with this condition often turn rebellious and mischievous, labelling their masters ‘wicked and hypocritical’ (Eph. 6:5-8; Col. 3:22-25)


As parents (spiritual or biological), the affected are always rigid and very hard on their children, provoking and making them miserable, not considering the variation in pattern of juvenile challenges being faced by their children’s generation (cons. Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21).


Teachers with judgmental spirit often parry the challenge of nurturing the students in the spirit of meekness, which is a test of professional competence, but rather resort to cruddy of violence, cursing, name-calling, and use of obnoxious language (cons. Matt.11:29, Col.4:6, Jas.1:20)


Children with judgmental spirit are prone to murmuring, insubordination and truancy (cons. Pro. 14:14; Ezek. 18:2-4; Eph. 6:1-3; Col 3:20)


Spouses with this disposition always leave their partners in melancholy or perpetual state of wrath and bitterness, as they focus on, ceaselessly criticize and condemn the infirmities, mistakes or faults of their partners (cons. Eph. 5:21-25; Col. 3:18-19; 1Pet. 3:4-7)


The Lord strongly detests this obstructive disposition as can be deduced from His words and actions (Matt.7:3-5; Jn.7:24; 8:1-7) and would that His disciples do same (cons. Matt. 28:19-20; cp. Rom.14:13).




As it is with people with critical-mindedness, any person with this tendency to judge others harshly, if unrepentant, is sure to be meted same and therefore occupy his place in the confinement  of hell (cons. Ps. 130:3-4 cp. Matt.6:12; 7:1; Rom. 2:1-5; Jas. 2:10,11,13)


The thought of the endlessness of hell fire should make every God fearing or reasonable person to quit whatsoever has the capacity to take him there (Mk. 9:43-48 cp. Prov. 22:3)



Examine yourself regularly to ensure that the trait does not

develop (2Cor. 13:5)


Excuse offenders by appreciating that they are human, and when expedient mete out judgment based on righteousness and empathy (Matt. 7:12; Jn. 7:24)


(iii) Emulate the Lord Jesus in times of crisis by waiting for a right time to correct offenders (cons. Jn.8:3-7; Mk. 9:33-36)


(iv)  Exercise regularly with the Scriptures, taking challenges/lessons from what has been written aforetime (Rom. 15:4; cp. Gal. 6:7; Judg. 1:6-7)


(v)   Employ love to daily drive your Christian life and listen not to everything people say against you (cons. 1Pet. 4:8; 1Cor. 13:4, Eccl.7:21)


No Watchman can afford to retain this trait at this period of divine visitation.              

(HSCF: 163)

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